Friday, 27 July 2018

Ganesh and Ravan the Demon

Here I come with my second story of lord Ganesh
Ganesh and Ravan the Demon
As we all are aware about the demon Ravan from Ramayana. He was defeated by lord Ram. The story is, once Ravan took under very difficult tapas. As a repercussion Lord Shiva appeared to him. Ravan asked for a boon that his kingdom and he itself could not be damage or destroyed. As a present Shiva gave him a Shiv Lingam which is called as symbol of lord Shiva and asked him to bring this back to his kingdom and place it in the temple with requisite rituals.
Image result for ganesha and ravana story
After placing the Shiv Lingam in his temple he would become unconquerable. But there was a condition; whatever happens he had responsibility of not laying down the Lingam on the floor.
Overjoyed, Ravan welcome the Lingam. The Deva were afraid of the power that Ravan could obtain. They requested Lord Ganesh before any action. Then Varun Dev, Lord of water entered into the abdomen of Ravan causing in some trouble which forced him to stop on his way. Ravan was disturbed with the pain but at the same time he was careful of not laying down the Lingam. He saw a young Brahman coming on the same way he called him and asked to hold the Lingam for a movement.
As soon as Ravan deposited the Lingam to the young Brahman; the Brahman shouted for help for 3 times getting no reply he put the Lingam on the ground. When Ravan came back and saw the Lingam on the ground he was very angry and dismissed the boy who just appeared to be Lord Ganesh in reality. Ravan had the power of Lingam so Lord Ganesh could easily quench the devil, kicking to the sky. Ravan realized his limitation and power of Lord Ganesh.

The place where Shiv Lingam was deposit is called Gokarna, and is located in Karnataka western coast; it is a worshiping place till nowadays.

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