Chapter 1:- Editing and Summarizing
The first chapter of the book concentrates on Editing and Summarizing.
Editing and summarizing are complementary skills. Editing involves tightening language by using certain linguistic tools like rewriting and rephrasing. Summarizing means capturing the essence and not merely cutting down the number of words drastically. It depends heavily on extensive rewriting. While editing a copy it may not always be necessary to rewrite the whole thing. Hard news which is carried everyday by a daily is deadline bound; therefore, it is not feasible to rewrite such copies.
Editing: Editing means to give shape to a piece of writing by maintaining its unity of thought. Sticking to be subject and preventing one's mind from straying ensure that the unity of a particular write-up does not suffer. Spotting digression(s) and bringing the original thought back on the track are the attributes of an ideal editor. This call for sharp linguistic skills and an alert and vibrant mind. The ability to spot mistakes and lack of unity, fast, are the prime qualities of a good sub-editor. Crossing T's and dotting I's is not what subbing is all about.
Summarizing: The skill of summarizing enables us to pack a lot of meaning into a few words. It requires a vast vocabulary and cogent thinking. Reducing a passage in size without compromising on its meaning is the aim of summarizing. The secret of summarizing lies in the ability to identify the core of the passage to be shortened, i.e. the central idea. Once the main idea comes within your grasp it becomes possible for us to recast it in our own words. As summaries can be of different sizes, according to the requirement, we can accommodate as many supporting ideas as we need to.
Chapter 2:- Writing Proficiency
This Chapter is all about how you can improve your writing skill by following certain ways. The chapter consists of all different types of formats which are used in journalism and in the field of advertisement. The following chapter gives a brief to you on how to write a letter, how to write a press release copywriting, interpretation of technical data and much more. In this chapter you will find a lot of examples which would be really helpful for you as per the exam point of view. This was all about the second chapter Writing Proficiency.
Chapter 2:- Writing Proficiency
This Chapter is all about how you can improve your writing skill by following certain ways. The chapter consists of all different types of formats which are used in journalism and in the field of advertisement. The following chapter gives a brief to you on how to write a letter, how to write a press release copywriting, interpretation of technical data and much more. In this chapter you will find a lot of examples which would be really helpful for you as per the exam point of view. This was all about the second chapter Writing Proficiency.
Chapter 3:- Linguistic Felicity
A language can be used in two forms to communicate with others--as prose and as verse. The word 'prose' is derived from its Latin root prosa which has origins in prorsus, meaning "straightforward".
Recognizing features of language: In the first part of this book, we saw that the quality of comprehension is directly proportionate to a person's reading skills.
A language can be used in two forms to communicate with others--as prose and as verse. The word 'prose' is derived from its Latin root prosa which has origins in prorsus, meaning "straightforward".
Recognizing features of language: In the first part of this book, we saw that the quality of comprehension is directly proportionate to a person's reading skills.
Vocabulary and grammatical structure: Comprehending an argument depends on having a sound knowledge of how words can be used in particular situations.
Coherence and cohesion: An argument in a discourse is organised mainly at the levels of sentences and paragraphs which are constructed from words.
Repetition and parallelism: The tools that can give coherence to a piece of writing are lexical and grammatical in nature.
Supporting devices: Supporting devices like headlines, fonts, pictures, etc make it easy for a reader to comprehend the central idea of a particular write-up.
Tone: The feeling that a human being communicate to another human being is evident from his tone, whether he is writing or speaking.
Point of view: Seeing a thing from various spots or angels gives us different pictures of that thing.
Style: The way a person expresses himself is his style. This expression takes place in many ways -- through writing, through speaking, through dressing oneself, through body movements, etc.
Chapter 4:- LOGIC
So we all know what logic means Logic basically means a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something. The 4th Chapter is all about Logic here we will see different types of logic which are Inductive and Deductive knowledge. We would also be learning about Arguments.
Style: The way a person expresses himself is his style. This expression takes place in many ways -- through writing, through speaking, through dressing oneself, through body movements, etc.
Chapter 4:- LOGIC
So we all know what logic means Logic basically means a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something. The 4th Chapter is all about Logic here we will see different types of logic which are Inductive and Deductive knowledge. We would also be learning about Arguments.
Deductive Logic: - Deductive reasoning is a basic form of valid reasoning. Deductive reasoning, or deduction, starts out with a general statement, or hypothesis, and examines the possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion.
Inductive Logic: - Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning makes broad generalizations from specific observations.
Argument means a valid argument is a deductive argument that succeeds in providing decisive logical support. The chapter then focuses on the strength of an argument & the effects and causes of Argument. The chapter also focuses on the Weakness of the Arguments that are Begging, lack of confidence, ignoring questions extra. The last part of the chapter says about how to counter an Argument and Refuting Argument.
Chapter 5:- Interacting Orally
This chapter focuses on the types of communication skills and different types of communication
Communicating effectively with a person orally depends on many factors, of which some have been discussed in the first part of this book. It goes without saying that pronunciation plays a prominent part in oral communication.
Communicating effectively with a person orally depends on many factors, of which some have been discussed in the first part of this book. It goes without saying that pronunciation plays a prominent part in oral communication.
Conversational etiquette: Speaking is an art and conversing is a superb art. There can be many situations in which a person may have to participate in a conversation.
Face to Face communication: A conversation between two friends or among a group of friends will on most occasions be informal.
Communicating by telephone: The upsurge in the use of communication gadgets like cell phones has made the lack of etiquette among Indians while using such tools a common knowledge.
Group discussion: Oral interaction among a group of people on a comman topic is known as group discussion or GD in short.
Chapter 6:- Generating Ideas
This chapter is all about generating ideas. The first part of the chapter focuses on types of thinking that are:
Vertical Thinking: - Vertical thinking refers to solving a problem by analysis. It focuses on the known and correct method to address a particular problem. Consequently, it helps you save time, money and energy; and you can get the results you want by hitting the bull’s eye. This approach may be the right one if you’re operating under tight budgets.
Lateral Thinking:- Better solutions and creative processes can be discovered only when you break out of your comfort zone of knowledge. Lateral thinking does just that. It attempts to break traditional notions which develop vertical or conditional thinking. Conditional thinking fails you in exploring the other possibilities or probably the best ideas.
Brain Storming:- Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members.
The last part of the chapter focuses on the Mind mapping, its functions and step involved in mind mapping.
Mind Map: A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole.
Chapter 7:- Translation Exercises and Examples
So finally here comes the last chapter of the Effective Communication Skill Part II that is Translation. The last chapter is basically consists of lots of examples. There are various examples of translating a print advertisement into Hindi or Marathi Language, words in Marathi/Hindi language to English language and many more.